I was nervous to beat the cow because it might limp. or maybe I made a mistake in pressing so my face is serious haha. It’s hard because it’s my first time cooking like this. I almost hit my hand because of the nervousness I felt.I've been a cook all my life, but I am still learning to be a good chef. I'm always learning new techniques and improving beyond my own knowledge because there is always something new to learn and new horizons to discover.I've been a cook all my life, but I am still learning to be a good chef. I'm always learning new techniques and improving beyond my own knowledge because there is always something new to learn and new horizons to discover.
Many chefs love their work, and always seems to be so passionate about what they do. I want to make people happy by serving them the best food they have ever had, but also having the dream job to me. Cooking tends to make you less stressed about life. It also makes you feel good when someone loves your food as much as you love to cook it, and this is why I want to become a chef.
For the laboratory 1, I have difficulty plating food. because this is my first time. and I still have no idea how well the food plating design works. I didn't do it very well but I did my best to do my job.
This was the second plating i did in our second lab so i had a hard time figuring out what to do to form the plating so i was excited so i did it well and my cooking was delicious.
These are the different plating we did. their plating is beautiful, especially when garnishing, it's really beautiful. and in the second lab we did there were good comments.